Max Hager CIM
Portfolio Manager
Phone: (604) 844-5394
Toll-free: (888) 886-3586
Fax: (604) 844-5342
Email: [email protected]
Brett Letham
Phone: (604) 844-5365
Email: [email protected]

Max offers discretionary portfolio management to sophisticated investors including families, businesses, and organizations. Working in conjunction with his business partner Trevor Short, he delivers tailored investment solutions to grow and protect his client’s wealth. Max’s value philosophy aligns with that of the Odlum Brown Research Department, drawing on investment ideas included in the hypothetical Odlum Brown Model Portfolio.

Discretionary Investment Management

Time is your single most valuable asset. Operating on a managed discretionary fee basis affords you the time to focus on what matters, with the confidence of knowing that your investment portfolios are being properly managed. Max ensures that asset mix, portfolio strategy, and individual security selection fit your unique needs. Regular reviews and open lines of communication ensure you remain informed, and that as your life and needs change, your portfolio remains appropriate.

Building Relationships that Last

Integrating with your professional advisors - legal and accounting - Max builds meaningful relationships, to ensure that when it comes to your goals everyone is “rowing in the same direction”. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of your unique circumstances, Max is able to help you craft a complete plan addressing estate, financial, and tax considerations.* This framework empowers you to monitor and achieve your investment goals.

Professional History and Education

Max’s career at Odlum Brown began nearly a decade ago. He holds a Bachelor of History degree from Huron University College in London, Ontario. He also holds the Canadian Investment Manager (CIM) designation and is approved to trade Options.


In the community, Max enjoys actively supporting various charitable causes and is a Director on the Alumni Board for Saint George’s School for Boys.

*Available through Odlum Brown Financial Services Limited.