2022 Annual Address

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Highlights from this year's Annual Address include:

  • Opening remarks and a conversation between President and CEO Debra Doucette and Executive Vice President, Investment Research, Murray Leith, moderated by Vice President, Odlum Brown Financial Services Limited,* Michael Erez. Topics include our thoughts on Ukraine, COVID-19, cryptocurrency and the lessons we will carry forward toward our 100th anniversary next year.
  • A presentation titled, Goldilocks and the Federal Reserve,” in which Mr. Leith discusses current events and how we are navigating the investment landscape. + View Transcript
  • A panel discussion with our team of Equity Analysts, in which they share insights on the supply chain; oil and gas; energy sustainability; technology, health care and financial trends; and how we are building more resilient portfolios in the face of uncertainty and market volatility. + View Transcript

* Odlum Brown Financial Services Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Odlum Brown Limited offering life insurance products, retirement, estate and financial planning exclusively to Odlum Brown clients.