OB Report
July 2024
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Change is in the Air

Debra Doucette By Debra DoucetteExecutive Chair

The month of July isn’t typically associated with change, but this July ushers in some exciting changes at Odlum Brown. At our AGM last month, I transitioned from the role of President to the role of Executive Chair. This change has been in the works for some time and has been carefully planned to ensure that the stewardship of the firm was passed to the best possible hands.

It is my great pleasure to introduce my successor and Odlum Brown’s new President, Trevor Short.

Trevor has been a part of Odlum Brown for over 25 years. After joining our firm in a variety of client services roles, he spent time on our fixed income desk before he moved to the retail advisory side of our business. Trevor has built an exceptional advisory team and has served our clients with care and dedication. In addition, Trevor has served as a Vice President and Director of our firm and a member of the Executive Committee.

Trevor consistently models Odlum Brown’s core value of putting clients first. He truly understands the soul of our firm and our commitment to our clients, team members and the communities we work in. I know these values will guide his leadership, and I can’t wait to see what he will accomplish, together with our wonderful team, in the years to come.

I also want to say a heartfelt thank you to our immediate past board Chair, Andy Eisenbock. Andy has been such an important partner to me in my last three years as President. His counsel has been truly invaluable. Andy will remain on our board and Executive Committee and continue to work with his clients helping them to achieve their financial goals. 

It has been an honour and a privilege to have served as the firm’s President over the past 17 years. I am proud of everything we have accomplished together – through trying times like the 2008/09 financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic, to triumphs like last year’s 100th anniversary celebrations. I am thankful for all the support, partnership and friendship of my work colleagues. And I am grateful for the opportunities I have had to connect with you, our valued clients. Whether it’s been at our Annual Address or another client or community event, I have so enjoyed getting to know many of you and hearing your stories about our firm. Those conversations often taught me important lessons on how to make our firm better, and they always inspired me to find new ways to take the best care of our most valuable asset – the relationships we’ve built with our clients.

Through it all, please know that you have always come first. Thank you for your trust in me and in our firm.

Together with Trevor, your advisor and the whole Odlum Brown team, you are in excellent hands.